World Usability Day 2007

Today is World Usability Day! In honor of this day my colleagues and I would like you to take a photo of any item or application whose usability you appreciate. Upload it on flickr with a short description what you like about it and (machine) tag it with bluemars:event=wud and worldusabilityday so it will appear here and on the site of BlueMars.

Note: when your flickr account is fresh, your photos will not be search indexed unless flickr staff has approved them as “safe.” Also you need to approve your photos for public search: “hide your photos from searches on 3rd party sites that use the API?” must be unchecked.

Your photos

  • TinTin Briefbeschwerer
  • Verpackung
  • Umweltfreundliche Dusche
  • Lichtschranke
  • Stelton Thermoskanne (Design by Erik Magnussen)
  • Fahrradampel
  • Briefkasten
  • Apple Ladegeräte
  • Post-Its
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Reiskocher
  • Canon's swivel monitor
  • Rennhaken

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