Archive for the tag “XHTML”

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Embedding YouTube Video with iPhone Fallback

Just a quick note as a reminder to myself how to embed YouTube videos in a standards compliant, valid XHTML syntax. It works across all current browsers, doesn’t use <embed>, and has the elegant fallback displaying a still image that is linked to YouTube, thus enabling iPhone users without Flash to view the video.

Farewell, XML declaration

The XML declaration is not required as long as you encode in UTF-8 or UTF-16, you are only strongly encouraged to use it. So as long we are stuck with IE6 I will refrain from using it. […]

The XHTML Access Module

I would like to introduce the XHTML Access Module, a new working draft released by the XHTML 2 Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The module is intended to improve accessibility and extend XHTML Roles. […]

XHTML 1.1 Second Edition with Target Attribute

When I switched from HTML 4 to XHTML 1.1 a couple of years ago, I soon found the target attribute was missing. I have never been in love with the target attribute anyway, but some clients insisted that their links should open in a new window. So I did some research. […]

Reforming HTML

Many good people have expressed their concern about the state of the W3C. Tim Berners-Lee responded earlier, now he announced reforms in his blog. […]

Best Practices in Web Development

Roger Johansson and Sean Fraser recently reviewed websites which were submitted for the CSS Reboot Spring 2006, and they seemed to be quite shocked when 71.8% failed to validate. While this is sobering and to a degree surprising — one might expect better results from CSS aware developers on a relaunch — it confirmed my own results from reviewing a couple of high profile websites for clients. […]