@media 2007 Slides
Like last year I will try to link all presentation slides and podcasts from the @media conference in London, June 7th-8th, 2007. I hope you find it as convenient as I do.
- Andy Clarke: Royale With Cheese (PDF, 18 MB); Podcast
- Dan Cederholm: Interface Design Juggling (PDF, 22 MB); Podcast
- Dan Webb: The Mysteries Of JavaScript-Fu; Podcast
- Drew McLellan and Simon Collison: High-Noon Shoot-Out: Design vs. Implementation
- Håkon Wium Lie: One Web, Acid2 and CSS3 (PDF, 3.7 MB); Podcast
- Hannah Donovan and Simon Willison: For Example… Last FM (PDF, 1.8 MB) and Doing Local Right
- Hot Topics Panel: Podcast
- Jason Santa Maria: Diabolical Design: The Devil is in the Details (PDF, 22 MB); Podcast
- Jeremy Keith: Bulletproof Ajax (PDF, 2.1 MB); Podcast
- Jesse James Garrett: Beyond Ajax; Podcast
- Joe Clark: When Web Accessibility Is Not Your Problem; Podcast
- Jon Hicks: How to be a Creative Sponge; Podcast
- Mark Boulton: Five Simple Steps to Better Typography; Podcast
- Molly Holzschlag: The Broken World: Solving the Browser Problem Once and For All; Podcast
- Nate Koechley: High Performance Web Pages; Podcast
- Richard Ishida: Designing for International Users: Practical Tips; Podcast
- Shawn Lawton Henry: Advancing Web Accessibility; Podcast
- Tantek Çelik: Microformats, Building Blocks, and You; Podcast
Thanks for the reminder, of course Joe Clark wrote detailed protocols about some sessions. Also I would like to point you to Chantal Slagmolen’s original notes — I wish all designers were so creative!
thanks a lot for that handy list! I attended @media for the first time this year and I absolutely enjoyed it
your list makes it really easy to catch up with the parallel talks I would have liked to see as well.
I of course liveblogged several presentations.
[…] The @media 2007 conference was held in London this past month, but thankfully many of the presentations are available on various blogs and Web resources – I found this list to be the most comprehensive. Two in particular I want to point out: one is Nate Koechley’s “High Performance Web Sites: 14 Rules for Faster Pages”; the other is the oddly-titled “When accessibility is not your problem” by Joe Clark. […]
PDF for Molly Holzschlag: The Broken World: Solving the Browser Problem Once and For All
@Bob: Thanks for the link to Molly’s presentation.
[…] Презентации от признанных гуру. […]
thank you so much. ALL “back end” developers should listen to this material and start caring about the HCI / User Experience / Interface. i posted this for my team and have been telling everyone about it — great material inspirational and definately educational.
I believe and have been evangalizing that developers need to be, have to be more concerned about the experience than ever before. Its the only way we will improve our products — we have had so much development in tools and APIs and FRAMEWORKS that you should be so much more efficient at building core technologies and abstracting the complexity from the user. We have to master how to be clever in the UI and the way to do that is development — different development, not less challenging not junior development — important development sometimes very challenging development.
I also — although i dont like the thought — think the back end guys may not get it and the design guys will get better at developing and meet the developers past the half way point on the developers territory (so sorry i.e. on this comp) — I got to believe the future lies in the people who get both of it and do both well — the portion of a software product spent on the Human User Interface needs to be, should be greater than we are spending now. Less time on data models and services and OO, classes methods etc etc. Not that it does not need to be done right but we should be able to do it well quickly given the tools all the vendors have built for us — I did not embrace Ruby On Rails but thats the best example — the Dot net framework, YUI it goes on — this conference and its materials confirmed my ramblings if to no one but myself (i have been rambling for over 5 years about this stuff lol).
Keep up the great work and market this stuff to those serious developers — those guys who like to read system dumps and memory clashes and design object models — lets get them out there a little bit more. I have been surprisingly pleased and at how challenged and adopting some hard core c# developers have embraced the challenge when presented the right way — the delivery of a good UI is to them. Its hard work that gets them excited when they get out of the cook and the dishwasher mentatlity. OK used enough of your space — I can only hope one person opens their eyes and changes their focus these words will have been worth it. (I hope I can edit this tomorrow when I realise the grammer and experience sucked lol)